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Meet Our Team

Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to making your family’s dental experience calm and relaxing while you achieve the smile of your dreams. Whether you are looking for convenient appointment times, have questions about treatment recommendations or your dental insurance, or need a refresher on your oral home care routines, our team is always here to ensure that your dental care exceeds your high expectations!


Sheila Frahm

Registered Dental Hygienist

Sheila has a bachelor of science degree in dental hygiene from Louisiana State University. She is well-versed in helping patients feel comfortable and achieve a healthy smile, which is the most rewarding aspect of her job. Sheila emphasizes prevention, as it’s “the key to good health.” She joined Randall L. Foto, DDS because it offers quality dentistry, friendly staff, and takes an honest approach to care.
Sheila has two grown children, Jerry and Chad. Away from the practice, she likes to travel, spend time outdoors … and cheer on the Cubs! She grew up in Illinois but has lived in Mandeville since 2006.
It’s Sheila's dream to travel the world!


Celeste Armstrong

Patient Coordinator & Insurance Administrator

Celeste has been in the dental industry for 38 years! We're thrilled that she is the first person that our patients see when they arrive! She will help explain your dental plan coverage while doing her best to schedule your appointment at the most convenient time.
Celeste & her husband, Bryan, just celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary! They are the proud parents of Christie and Ashley. Celeste has 3 precious grandchildren, Jaxon, Ryleigh and Callie.
In their spare time, Celeste & Bryan enjoy the outdoors, but time spent with their 3 grandchildren is their favorite!


Monique Foto

Bookeeping, Social Media

Monique is our marketing/social media administrator. She and Dr. Foto met while attending Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond. She received a BA in English and a minor in Communications from SLU. Monique and Randy married in 1991 and are proud parents of three grown children, Brandon, Amanda and Ashley. Monique's Happy Place is Walt Disney World and she loves movies, music and travel! She enjoys the relationships she's made with our patients and other members of the dental community.

Shannon Whitney

Expanded Duty Dental Assistant

Shannon is one of our Expanded Duty Dental Assistants. She has been in the dental industry for over 23 years and loves helping our patients reach their dental goals.
She was born and raised in Houma, Louisiana. Shannon moved to Mandeville in 2000, met her wife, Connie, and has lived here ever since.
In her spare time Shannon loves to cook, go camping and entertain family and friends.

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